Part 41: July 8 - July 9: The (slightly) Big City
-Heartbeat, Heartbreak: Reincarnation-
You'll notice that the weather has cleared up. It's always sunny in Okina City, which gives you a few more things to do when it's raining in Inaba. The last bike ride into Okina doesn't use up time like the first two, either.
Movie theater worker: Days ending in 2, 0, and 6, as well as the 30th of the month, are bonus days! The 30th is an extra-special day! The grand prize now is Jack Frost Doll! Supply is limited! First come, first serve! Hey, do you have a lot of time on your hands right now? I'm in a little trouble...Feel like making some money? Oh, really? Well, here ya go.
> He shoved a bunch of pocket tissue packets into your arms...
Movie theater worker: These have our ad on them. I want you to hand them out to people around town. Just anyone who looks like they're killing time. You don't have to give them to anyone who looks like they're walking somewhere. There are costume shops and cafes on the other side of the station, so be sure to hit up the people there. Cover the area by the police station, too. I'm counting on you!
Tough girl: You're from Inaba, right? Must be hard, with all those murders.
Creepy girl:'s because they received too many messages from space through the Midnight Channel...
Tough girl: What!? Where did that come from...?
> You handed a packet of tissue paper to the girls near the police station...
Creepy girl: There are so many uses for tissue paper...Making voodoo dolls, and...
Tough girl: Stop! Just stop! Sorry about that. Hey, I'll take one too.
Young police officer: Welcome to the Okina Station office! Oh...Are you here from Inaba? Maybe you could tell me...Is Risette--er, Rise Kujikawa, safe? I'm a low-ranking officer in another town, so I don't get to hear much about that. I'm worried about her...
> You handed a packet of tissue paper to the police officer at the station...
Young police officer: For me? I can't accept things from citizens...Unless it's for the lost and found!
Film buff girl: Hello. It's a nice day for a movie.
Film buff girl: Movies are great. I see them a lot...alone, though. I mean, I can't find anyone to go with me...But this theater doesn't show many indie movies, so it's not perfect. Small cities like these only have the big cineplex chains...I wish there was a local theater that showed less mainstream stuff.
> You handed a packet of tissues to the woman in front of 30 Frame.
Film buff girl: Huh? For me? Thank you...I'll make sure to carry these with me. They're useful for wiping my fingers from movie concessions.
Excitable young man: That girl there is always watching movies by herself.
Dull young man: I wonder what she's seeing today? I'm so curious...I wish I could just ease up next to her in the theater...
Hungry young man: Anyway, let's go in. That freshly popped corn isn't getting any fresher!
I always assumed that movie theaters make their popcorn by compacting their paper waste and adding butter & salt.
> You handed a packet of tissue to the men on the opposite side of 30 Frame...
Excitable young man: Huh? What? Tissues?
Dull young man: Oh, great. These always come in handy.
Hungry young man: Yeah, like when you're hungry.
Dull young man: You don't EAT the tissues, okay?
Excitable young man: And no blowing your nose during the movie, either.
Woman with heavy makeup: It's getting to be the season for summer clothes! I can't wait to hit the sales! Croco Fur isn't cheap, but it's a good fit for your style. I don't have my paycheck yet, but I did work hard today...Maybe I'll treat myself!
> You handed some tissue paper to the woman in front of Croco Fur...
Woman with heavy makeup: Uhh, what...? I don't usually take these things. Though if it's just tissue, sure, I'll take some. Since you're so cute...Hmm. I should have gotten more fashionable clothes.
Tired man: The shop across the way has a wide variety of clothes, but it doesn't seem I have that many options in life...Hey. I'm not just goofing around, you know. I don't know what this kind of work is called, I'll grant you...Maybe "waiting in the station courtyard?"
> You handed the man standing across from Croco Fur a packet of tissue paper...
Tired man: This thin, brittle tissue paper is just like my life...Thanks...I'll take some...
> Their conversation seems serious...
Well-dressed man: This town hasn't changed. It's the same as it was the day I met you.
Plainly dressed woman: We saw a lot of movies together. You hated sea creatures, yet you forced yourself to sit through that one...
Well-dressed man: I had nightmares for three days and three nights. Will it with me again?
Plainly dressed woman: ......
> You handed the couple in front of Cafe Chagall a packet of tissue paper...
Plainly dressed woman: That wasn't bad timing. Very smooth.
Well-dressed man: It's rare that I hear you praise someone. Here, I'll take some, to commemorate the occasion. So...want to go to that cafe and relax for a while?
> You finished handing out all the tissue packets. You should go report back...
Movie theater worker: Whoa! You're done? Well, here ya go. You saved me!
> You obtained 5,000 yen as pay.
Movie theater worker: Oh yeah, if you've got some time, you should give the crane game a try!
> 100 yen for one attempt. You currently have 6020970 yen. Play the crane game?
I GUESS Sanzo can eke it out.
> You weren't able to get anything...You weren't able to get anything...Obtained Ice Cube! You kind of figure out how to enjoy this crane game...You weren't able to get anything...You don't see any prizes that you think you have a chance of winning. You should give up for the day and come back at a later date...
> The main feature is "Dumminator II." It plays 7/1 - 7/31. It's a sci-fi action movie about a mannequin with a will to fight in order to protect a little girl...
I'll show more on the movies later.
-How Much?-
Reiko Osa: I am Reiko Osa, charismatic fashionista. Croco Fur has a wide selection of clothing for ladies and men! Fashion is passion. Now, let's start a revolution! Please consult me if you'd like some tips on coordinating a fashionable look! By the way, you've caught my eye...I must say, you're a rare bird! Your cool exterior doesn't completely hide your surging manliness! My fashion radar is ping-ping-pinging, comrade! Just for you, I'll make an exception and personally coordinate some charismatic ensembles for you! I'd like to introduce you to a new arrival! We've got lots of swimsuits, each one of which has my highest recommendation! Start your summer off right! The sexiness oozing out of whoever wears these would out-scorch the summer sun! He'd be green with envy! The style is to die for! I'm Reiko Osa, charismatic fashionista!
Croco Fur sells outfits made from 100% cruelty-free crocodile fur.
Their inventory resets on a new game just like Shiroku Store's, but I'm pretty sure I missed one or two late-game costumes.
Man in sunglasses: You drink my coffee, and your mind gets thrown into a dark, muddy tailspin. You might learn something from the experience. Or you might just get sick. I never turn away a paying customer, but you better come prepared.
> The man in sunglasses went into the cafe...Cafe Chagall, inside...
Owner in sunglasses: I'm impressed that you had the intestinal fortitude to set foot in here after all I said. My name is Mumon. I'm the owner of this establishment. And even though this cafe is a chain...I absolutely refuse to serve mediocre coffee. I will sacrifice my standards for no one. I've got an older brother. I don't keep in contact with him much nowadays, but...Heh...I caused him quite a bit of trouble. He became a Buddhist monk, following in our family tradition, but he's socially awkward. I wonder how he's doing...Sorry about that. When I start reminiscing, I have a hard time controlling myself...Well, drink up. It's a sublime cup of coffee. No, it's more than that. It's an experience. If you underestimate it, it'll break you.
> The inside of your mouth is getting numb...! But now...It's--It's sharply acidic, yet the body is full and rich, with sweet undertones...This flavor...It's bold...Too bold! As you're swept up in a black torrent of flavors, you desperately reach towards something and grasp it...! Obtained the Dia skill card!
> Judging by the current time of day, it appears that you lost consciousness...
Mumon: I guess your palate was overstimulated by mature flavors and you succumbed. You're still a child.
> It's late...You must return home...
Cafe Chagall: The coffee so bad, it makes you hork up pieces of your psyche.
You might have noticed those funny little diamond symbols in Personas' lists of skills and upcoming skills. Those indicate a skill that can be carded at Chagall. I think you always get Dia the first time, though--Sanzo doesn't even have that skill in his current Persona set. Drinking the blackout coffee also uses time that I need for other things today, so none of that actually happened. It is NOT CANON. I just wanted to show it for curiosity's sake.
I am seriously going to need a ton of fish. You have no idea.
Weather announcer: The week ended on a wet note as rain clouds moved into the area. As a result, a thick fog is expected to form in the Inaba region later tonight...
> Since Rise has been rescued, it seems the killer was thwarted this time...
-Who's There?-
But the next morning...